Tuesday, August 31, 2010

60s stuff

This probably just counts as Mad Men fan art, doesn't it?


These are some serious doodles. I once did an animation for my senior thesis, and these were the main characters at one point. I later ditched the babe because she was dragging the story down.

Some tourists

They're just tourin'.

Ignore the background. I can do better...I just didn't.

The first post

Ok I'm trying my hand at this blogging thing again. If history is any indicator, I'll forget about this thing in like a week, but at least no one will be able to say I didn't try. The layout is dumb, but I'll make it more special if this thing sticks.

Basically I've been drawing again thanks to my internship, so I want a place to put stuff. Everything I've got so far is just a doodle, but maybe one day I'll actually take the time to make a finished artwork.

Alright, go.